From:                              Hooley, David (Charlottetown) <>

Sent:                               Wednesday, May 9, 2018 12:07 PM

To:                                   Philip Rafuse

Cc:                                   Matthew Bradley; 'Tim Banks'; Hogan, Charity (Charlottetown); Walsh-Doucette, Michelle (Charlottetown)

Subject:                          FW: Minimum Parking Requirements Review - Révision des exigences minimales en matière de stationnement

Attachments:                 741_PGM_Online Resource - Spillover Parking EN FINAL.pdf


Importance:                   High


Sorry this is coming late but I only got back in the office yesterday and had an opportunity for a face to face with Alex.

Please see email thread below and attached analysis regarding “spillover parking”. WE wish to add this to the City’s documentary evidence.

The City’s two (2) witnesses may wish to refer to this information during their evidence. If there are any objections, I suggest we address them at the time.


David Hooley | Cox & Palmer | Senior Counsel

Direct 902 629-3903 Fax 902 566 2639 Web

Address Dominion Building 97 Queen Street Suite 600 Charlottetown PEI, C1A 4A9

*Practising as Professional Corporation

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." Former US President Calvin Coolidge

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From: Moerman, Tim []
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 11:05 AM
Subject: RE: Minimum Parking Requirements Review - Révision des exigences minimales en matière de stationnement

Hey friends and colleagues!

I was just going through some old emails during a rare moment of quiet and came across this old discussion about Ottawa's minimum parking rules and our review thereof. I think I was speaking to some of you back in 2015 about what we were doing, but may not have gotten around to telling you how the story ended. (Spoiler alert: happy ending!)

Ultimately this review resulted in our eliminating parking minimums entirely for most permitted development in the inner-urban area, i.e. pretty much the entire pre-1960's part of Ottawa. (It's a bit more complicated than that, but essentially everything right near a major light rail station is exempt, and only the very biggest of the permitted development range outside of those LRT hinterlands are required to provide any parking at all.)

The amendment was unanimously endorsed by Planning Committee and adopted by Council in July 2016, with no members of the public speaking against, and no appeals. We're already starting to see developments with no parking, marketed to car-free urban households.

In the course of developing this amendment, we produced a whack of background research. One of the most important documents was a new theoretical framework explaining why you don't necessarily need to require on-site parking to control "spillover"--the single biggest concern raised by stakeholders. What we came up with probably isn't a perfect theory, but I think it's definitely better than the... um... shall we say questionable logic that has historically underlain the minimum parking requirements in North American cities. It helps to deal with that question you'll always be hit with, "How can you justify doing this new thing when we've been doing it the other way for decades?"

I've taken the liberty of attaching the Spillover Parking document. It was always our hope that other cities would be able to benefit from the work we did, if they're inclined to take a hard re-think of their own parking requirements (or even in evaluating individual parking variances.) The plan was to put all of this together into some kind of formal publication but here we are a year and a half later and other stuff just got in the way.

The materials are no longer on the City of Ottawa website, but if you're ever in a situation where you're looking at parking reductions, please feel free to email or call me; I'll be happy to send you the whole package. We got A LOT of the usual questions during this project and had what seem to be pretty satisfactory answers to most or all of them. (Actually, at some point I'll put together an FAQ that other cities can also draw on....)



Tim J. Moerman


Planning Services/Service de la planification

City Hall/Hôtel de ville

110 Laurier Avenue West

Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1

Tel. (613) 580-2424 ext./poste 13944

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From: Moerman, Tim
May 04, 2015 12:57 PM
Minimum Parking Requirements Review - Révision des exigences minimales en matière de stationnement

(Le français suit)

Good afternoon,

We are writing today to let you know that the City of Ottawa is undertaking a review of the minimum parking requirements under the Zoning By-law. These are the rules that specify how much on-site parking must be provided as part of any new development.

Ottawa's parking minimums have not been comprehensively reviewed in decades; in key areas, the parking requirements are the same under today's zoning as they were in 1964. A lot has changed since then, and these old parking rules are increasingly out of step with today's realities and planning goals.

Recognizing this, the new Official Plan adopted in 2013 calls for these zoning requirements to be reduced in certain parts of the city, notably near rapid-transit stations and in the inner urban area.

As of May 4th, you can access the project website at We plan to hold a public open house in the fall of 2015 and expect to bring a zoning amendment to Council in 2016.

In the meantime, the project website includes a short discussion paper that talks about the pros, cons and consequences of the City's parking requirements, as well as some of the possible changes under consideration. It's a good introduction to the issue of parking requirements, what changes we're considering making and why.

We hope you will participate in this important discussion. Please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Email: or
Regular mail: Minimum Parking Review
City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th Floor
Mail Code 01-14
K1P 1J1
Fax: (613) 580-2459

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