Pursuant to Subsection
12(1) of the
Municipalities Act R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap M-13,
the Community of North Rustico has applied to the Minister of
Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour to extend the Community's
municipal boundary to include a portion of land commonly known as North
Rustico Harbour, approximately 22.5 acres in size as outlined below:

The Community's
application offers the following summary of its reasons for the
North Rustico
Harbour is an integral part of the Community of North Rustico that
was artificially excluded from the boundaries of the Community for
historical reasons that no longer apply. Unlike may
applications for annexation to municipalities, this application is
not so much to accommodate growth, but rather to correct an
historical anomaly that is having a detrimental effect on the
governance and development of this area.
In accordance with
Section 13 of the
Municipalities Act, the Island
Regulatory and Appeals Commission has been directed by the Minister of
Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour to conduct a public hearing in or near the
area to be annexed for the purpose of reviewing the application.
The public hearing will
be held in the North Rustico Lion's Club commencing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday,
August 14, 2007. Residents of the
Community of North Rustico, the area proposed to be annexed and any person affected by the application are invited to attend and
make representation concerning the application.
Inquiries concerning this
application can be directed to:
Philip J. Rafuse, Land
and Appeals Officer
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission
P. O. Box 577, Charlottetown PE C1A 7L1
Telephone 902-892-3501 Toll-free 1-800-501-6268 Fax 902-566-4076