Phillip and Christine Gallant
Resort Municipality

Pursuant to section 28 of the Planning Act, Phillip and Christine Gallant have appealed two October 21, 2008 decisions of the Resort Municipality concerning properties in Stanley Bridge. In these related decisions, the Resort Municipality issued two subdivision permits; namely, a subdivision permit to Richard and Linda Ozon to subdivide 0.04 acres off of their property #565952 and append it to property #719492 and a subdivision permit to Anne Thompson to subdivide 0.08 acres off her property #719492 and append it to property #565952. The purpose of these subdivision permits is to allow for a proposed relocation of the entrance to the Ozon property.

The appeal will be heard commencing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, February 4, 2009 in the Commission's Hearing Room, Suite 502, 5th Floor, National Bank Tower, 134 Kent Street, Charlottetown.

Interested persons may attend appeal hearings and be heard.

Posted: 2009/01/23