Public Hearing

APPEALS #LA10010, LA10011, LA10012, LA10013, LA10023

Heather McBeath & Wanda Wood
Community of Victoria

Pursuant to section 28 of the Planning Act, the Appellants Heather McBeath and Wanda Wood have appealed various decisions of the Community of Victoria. 

This hearing only pertains to be issue of jurisdiction. 

The appeal will be heard commencing at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, December 10, 2012 in the Commission's Hearing Room, Suite 502, 5th Floor, National Bank Tower, 134 Kent Street, Charlottetown.

Interested persons may attend appeal hearings and be heard.

The Commission intends to broadcast the audio portion of this hearing on the internet via the Commission's website at


Posted: 2012/11/28