Public Hearing


Caseley Farms Ltd.
Town of Kensington

Pursuant to section 28 of the Planning Act, Caseley Farms Ltd. has appealed a November 8, 2010 decision of of the Town of Kensington to refuse to zone lots B34, B35, B36 and B40 to the R2 zone (two-family residential) and to refuse to zone lot R41 to the R3 zone (multi-family residential), said lots forming a portion of the Princetown Subdivision as per plan number 09258A.

The appeal will be heard commencing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 in the Commission's Hearing Room, Suite 502, 5th Floor, National Bank Tower, 134 Kent Street, Charlottetown.

Interested persons may attend appeal hearings and be heard.

Posted: 2011/01/20