Notice of Hearing PD907/908 APPLICATIONS FOR
INITIAL LICENSES FOR TWO TAKE NOTICE that K and R Inc. (to be incorporated ("TBI")) and Stratford Petroleum Inc. (TBI) have each applied to the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission for initial licensing under the Petroleum Products Act to operate, respectively, a retail self-serve gasoline and diesel outlet and a retail split-serve gasoline and diesel outlet. Both applications feature convenience store facilities and both propose to locate on Jubilee Drive in Stratford, PEI. THE HEARING A public hearing of the applications will commence at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 in the Commission's main hearing room, 5th floor, National Bank Tower, 134 Kent Street, Charlottetown and will continue at such times as will be announced at the hearing. NOTE: Hearing date scheduled for Tuesday, July 6, 2010 has been postponed to Monday, July 26, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. HOW TO SEE THE APPLICATIONS
Copies of the application and information provided by K and
R Inc. (TBI) in support of
its proposal can be obtained by clicking
here.*(327 KB PDF file
Copies of the application and information provided by
Stratford Petroleum Inc. (TBI) in support of
its proposal can be obtained by clicking
here.*(2,950 KB PDF file
*See below for important information on using PDF files. HOW TO PARTICIPATE Individuals and organizations may participate either as interveners or commenters, in writing or in person. Interveners will be expected to attend the public hearing. Any person wishing to make a formal submission as an intervener at the public hearing is asked to file with the Commission and the applicants by Monday, June 28, 2010 a Notice of Intervention which concisely states the interest such person has in the applications and the reason for his or her intervention. Persons planning to present evidence at the hearing are requested to file copies of written evidence with the Commission and the applicants by the same date. HOW TO COMMENT If you wish, you may comment on issues relating to the applications without becoming a formal intervener. Comments may be made orally by appearing at the opening of the hearing on July 6, 2010 and making your wishes known or by writing to the Commission prior to the commencement of the hearing. Any person who intends to appear should notify the Commission by June 28, 2010. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Written requests for additional information on the applications should be forwarded to:
DATED at Charlottetown, this 9th day of June, 2010. Posted: 2010/06/10