Docket UE20706.1
Order UE92-11

IN THE MATTER of a Request for Amendment for proposed joint use projects in the Maritime Electric Company, Limited 1992 Capital Budget.


on Monday, the 28th day of September, 1992.

Linda Webber, Chairman
John L. Blakney, Vice-Chairman


WHEREAS Maritime Electric Company, Limited (the "Company") has applied to the Commission for approval of amendments to its 1992 Capital Budget related to eleven joint use projects;

AND WHEREAS the Commission previously approved Project Nos. 5, 6 and 7 by Order No. UE92-8 dated August 13, 1992;

AND WHEREAS it appears to the Commission that the remaining projects are also in the best interests of the Company and its customers;

NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission Act and the Electric Power and Telephone Act;


1. The following joint use projects are approved:

Project No. 1: Dock Road

Project No. 2 Trainor Road

Project No. 3 Ellerslie Road

Project No. 4: Darnley Shore Road

Project No. 8: TransCanada Highway, Carleton Corner to Albany

Project No. 9: Lower Rollo Bay

Project No. 10: TransCanada Highway, Churchill to the Green Road

Project No. 11: St. Peter's to Dingwells Mills

2. The Company shall conduct a review of the joint use program:

  • to determine whether the costs and benefits of the program have historically been shared equitably between the Company and Island Tel;
  • to determine whether modifications or improvements to the program are required to ensure that costs and benefits are and continue to be equitably shared in the future; and,
  • to address such other issues that the Company deems appropriate to review.

3. The Company shall file a report on the above review with the Commission as part of its 1993 Capital Budget submission.

DATED at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, this 28th day of September, 1992.


Linda Webber, Chairman

John L. Blakney, Vice-Chairman