The Prince Edward Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission is an independent quasi-judicial tribunal with appellate, regulatory, and administrative responsibilities defined in the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission Act and in a number of provincial statutes. The Commission was established in 1991 with the amalgamation of the Public Utilities Commission, the Land Use Commission, and the Office of the Director of Residential Rental Property.
The Commission hears appeals under the Planning Act, the Rental of Residential Property Act, the Environmental Protection Act, and the Real Property Assessment Act. Under the Electric Power Act, it regulates the operations of Maritime Electric Company, Limited. It also regulates petroleum pricing, certain water and wastewater utilities, and it approves the rates charged by Island Waste Management Corporation. The Commission also administers the Lands Protection Act and advises government on proposals to establish or restructure municipalities under the Municipal Government Act.
The Commission operates at arms-length from government and reports to the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island through the Minister of Education and Lifelong Learning.