Commission Rules Governing Media Attendance at Public Hearings of the Commission
The hearings of the Commission, unless otherwise designated, are open to the public and therefore the media are welcome to attend public hearings.
The Commission however must adhere to the principles of fairness and natural justice in proceedings and give priority to the participant’s ability to present their case in an effective manner.
The Commission’s legislated responsibility is to hear and decide matters. The parties to an appeal have a responsibility to present witnesses and argument in support of their position and the Commission must protect their right to do so. The Commission believes the media role is to observe and report upon the proceedings. Media should therefore conduct themselves in a manner that does not interfere with the role and function of the participants. The formal atmosphere of the hearing can place pressure on participants and that pressure can be heighten by media interest.
Section 67 of the Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure outlines media attendance at public hearings:
67. Media Attendance
a) Unless otherwise determined by the Commission, public hearings are open to the media.
b) An audio broadcast of the hearing is available to the media. Therefore, third party microphones and other recording devices are not permitted to be used in the hearing room during a hearing.
c) Any hearing or portion of a hearing that is held in camera shall not be broadcast.
d) The audio broadcast will provide access to all Commission microphones in the hearing room.
e) Media interviews shall not be conducted in the hearing room during a hearing, including any recess or break during the hearing.
f) Cameras are not permitted beyond the front row of the public area.
g) Cameras are not to take close up video or photos of notes on tables used by the parties, legal counsel, Commission Panel or staff.
h) Cameras may only be used prior to the commencement of the hearing and during the opening statement made by the Chair and not otherwise.
i) The Commission broadcasts hearings that, in the Commission’s view, have interest or implications for a broader audience than may be present for the hearing.
j) The Panel Chair may impose such additional conditions and restrictions as the Panel Chair considers advisable to facilitate media coverage of hearings conducted by electronic means.
k) The Panel Chair is in charge of the hearing room and decisions of the Panel Chair regarding this policy are final.
l) In addition to public hearings this policy applies to all other proceedings held by the Commission including, but not limited to, public meetings or sessions held where the Commission presides.